
Explore September 1, 2013

The time you invest in exploring new things can result in virtually unlimited rewards. It is difficult to even grasp the magnitude of the possibilities available to you until you put some time into exploring them.

Exploration in an open-ended effort. The very nature of exploration prevents you from knowing in advance exactly what you’ll find. Consequently, exploration is difficult to justify on purely rational terms. On the surface, exploration may appear to be a waste of time rather than a sound investment of it. Yet if you explore with an open mind you will soon find something of value.

The very act of exploration itself has value. Exploration embodies some of the most positive qualities that we can attain. It is an act of faith, of courage, optimism, confidence, discipline and self-reliance. Exploration is curiosity with commitment, with risk, and with the potential for great reward.

The best explorers are serious and disciplined enough to survive, yet at the same time bold, open-minded and energetic. Explorers are highly resourceful, making the most use of what they have. Explorers are clearly focused, and yet always maintain a child-like wonder at the discoveries which are unfolding around them.

To make new discoveries, requires that you put yourself in unfamiliar territory. If you stick with the comfortable and the familiar, there will be many things that you’ll never even know about.

Going into unfamiliar territory will not destroy your old, comfortable world. Rather, it will expand your world, your vision, your knowledge and your possibilities. The next time you come across a road that you’ve never traveled—whether it is an idea, a person, a belief system, or an actual road—take a side trip. Invest your time in exploration and make your world a bigger, more interesting place.

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