No need to wait

No need to wait September 21, 2013

Think of a time when you were filled with joy and excitement. Remember how fully alive you felt? Remember how great it was? That feeling can be yours again. It never really left you. It is with you now and available to you any time you decide to experience it. It is yours when you choose to live each moment with passion and with purpose, when you decide to make the most of the wonderful gift of life that is yours to live.

There’s no need to wait until all your problems are solved, or until the world’s problems are eliminated. Those problems, those challenges, those obstacles are not there to hold you back. They can prevent you from fully experiencing life only if you allow them to do so. The good news is that you can choose to live a life of fulfillment and joy no matter what difficulties you may face. You can choose to always be moving forward, no matter where you may be.

You are not your problems. You are who you decide to be. Your circumstances may reveal a lot about what you have been doing up to this point in time, yet those circumstances need not define you or hold you back. You can choose to be held back or you can choose to do whatever is necessary to move yourself and your world forward.

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