No room left for doubt

No room left for doubt October 18, 2013

When a drinking cup is dirty, what do you do? You rinse it out with fresh water. You put so much water into the cup that it pushes out the dirt. You put so much fresh water in that there’s no room left for the contamination. You can do the same thing with your thoughts. You can put so many positive, empowering thoughts into your mind that there’s no room left for the negative, doubt-filled thoughts.

And then you build on those thoughts by putting them into action.

Whatever you’re seeking to accomplish or overcome, there’s always going to be some doubt in your mind as to whether or not you can do it. There’s always going to be some doubt until you actually step forward and begin to make it happen.

The first steps you take may seem small and insignificant. But they’re not. In fact, they’re vitally important. Because those are the steps that you use to being to build your positive momentum. Those first steps are the ones that start to erase your doubts.

From the very first effort, your actions are already replacing doubt and fear with courage and confidence. Just picking up the phone and making that first call is huge. Just sitting down at your computer and writing the first sentence is a major key to accomplishment, because it transforms you. It transforms you from worried and doubtful to enthusiastic and effective. And the longer you keep going, the stronger your momentum becomes. Before long, your doubts will be left far behind.

What may have seemed completely impossible will begin to feel more and more achievable.

And as you continue taking action you’ll be paving the way for bigger, more ambitious steps forward. In this way, your positive actions and confidence will feed on each other to create an ever-expanding forward momentum. Soon the doubts will be left far behind. As soon as you begin to take action, your doubts and fears will start to lose their power. Doubts can often seem overwhelming, yet your real and focused efforts will make those doubts less and less real, until they finally disappear completely.

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