Tiny threads

Tiny threads January 29, 2014

Could you lift a 100 pound weight with a single, tiny thread? Of course not. As soon as you started to lift, the thread would break. Yet if you get enough of those tiny threads and weave them together into a rope, that rope will easily hold 100 pounds or more.

What is it about the combination of tiny threads that makes it possible for them to lift a heavy load? It’s the fact that they’re all aligned in the same direction and supporting each other.

Every waking moment of every day, you are thinking. Each thought is like a tiny thread. By itself, each thought is very fragile and can easily be broken by the slightest doubt. But when one thought is woven together with other similar thoughts, and they’re all pointing in the same direction and supporting each other, they become very difficult to sever, and can hold up to the strongest challenge.

What you think once or twice doesn’t have much influence on your life. What you think again and again, becomes a certainty in your world. This can work in your favor, or it can work against you, depending on what those most persistent thoughts are.

Even the small thoughts matter, because there are so many of them. And you can choose to use each one to support your values, your beliefs, your purpose and your dreams.

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