Doing what is right

Doing what is right January 26, 2015

We don’t often think of integrity as a strategic element of life. Integrity implies selflessness and a certain degree of sacrifice, you assume, so how could it possibly be viewed as a strategic tool?

Yet the quality of your life is ultimately determined by the integrity of your actions. It is always in your best interest to act with integrity. It may seem that doing what is right would sometimes call for a sacrifice on your part, and would sometimes demand that you act against your own interest. Indeed, there are always sacrifices to be made in any worthwhile endeavor. However, you never sacrifice your own interest when you do what is right. It is always the better choice for you to do the right thing.

Integrity means acting to make your world as much better as you possibly can. It means discovering your own unique set of skills and abilities, and using them to achieve maximum benefit for those around you. It means finding what you do best, and doing it with all the commitment and energy you can muster. There is no better path to success and accomplishment than this.

Living with integrity is arguably the number one strategy for success in life. It is a success strategy that makes all other success strategies possible.

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