This place of wonder

This place of wonder January 25, 2015

Can you feel the miracle that is your life? The cold wind blows. Waves crash endlessly upon the rocky shore. And all of it is real. All of it is here. All of it is the existence in which you are enveloped. If you spend even one small moment in anything other than utter amazement, you’re not really paying attention.

Consider the possibilities. They have no limit. They have no end. Each new experience makes even more experiences possible. The universe expands with every thought.

You imagine what has never existed before, and then you make it appear. Soon, you are living what you once could not have even imagined imagining. That is the astounding progression pulling you forward in every moment.

Even the ordinary is far from ordinary. Even the mundane has endless layers of fascination. Even the smallest episode radiates its influence outward toward eternity.

And here you are, immersed in it all, with something in you that defies understanding. You have a purpose that is uniquely you, a perspective that is not replicated anywhere else in all of existence.

In this place of wonder, in this moment of limitless possibility, in this universe which manifests the slightest trickle of intent into grand reality, right now is your opportunity to express that purpose.

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