December 22, 2014

Are you feeling burned out? You won’t get much done in that state. Consider one or more of these techniques to go from being burned out to being passionate and enthusiastic. 1. Re-connect with your natural enthusiasm. Ask yourself what you would do if you could do absolutely anything you wanted. Answer honestly, and you’ll remind yourself of things you’re naturally enthusiastic about. Just thinking about those things will raise your level of enthusiasm a little bit. You can take... Read more

December 21, 2014

Live with persistence. The great experience of today will be yours when you stick around long enough to find it. Success and fulfillment are to be found just on the other side of discouragement. During the course of this day, you’ll no doubt encounter numerous reasons to just give up and hope for a better day tomorrow. Yet when you give up or give in, it moves you backwards, not forward, and you actually set yourself up for more disappointment... Read more

December 20, 2014

Feel your purpose. Go within yourself and feel the essence of what you really want to accomplish in the moment. Instead of judging whether or not you’re doing it right, just feel it and feel it flowing out from you. Avoid trying to figure out or analyze what you want to do. Just let it come. Don’t put limits on yourself. Feel that purpose and know that, whatever your actions are, if you are truly and intensely feeling the passion... Read more

December 19, 2014

You’ve had a setback. You’ve been disappointed. Things haven’t gone the way you intended. Things haven’t gone a way you planned. What’s the best thing for you to do? Does it make sense to sit around and feel sorry for yourself? Are you going to let that one disappointment build on itself and take over your life? Or, will you quickly get back on track, back to what you were doing, and move on ahead past the disappointment? The difference... Read more

December 18, 2014

It has been estimated that we think approximately one thought per second. That comes out to approximately 60,000 thoughts during the waking hours of each day. Now, stop and think about how many positive, empowering thoughts you’ve had in the last day or two. Can you remember any at all? Is it a lot or is it just a handful? And if it’s just a few positive, empowering thoughts, thoughts that are focused on achieving the life you desire, then... Read more

December 17, 2014

Opportunity does not exist without change. Though most people say they would welcome opportunity, far fewer people are open to real and substantive change. Yet to take advantage of opportunity you must be open to change. There is no other way. Real, meaningful opportunity is not a free ride. It is a challenge. A big part of the challenge is change. Opportunities are all too often portrayed as something for nothing. In reality, there is no such thing. Opportunity involves... Read more

November 26, 2014

You may be tired. You may be discouraged. You may be uncomfortable. No matter what, your best option is to move positively forward. Hanging on to past disappointments will only hold you back. Taking comfort in being a victim gives you no real comfort at all. Staying safe by never venturing out, by never taking risks, is the riskiest thing you can do because it guarantees that you won’t get anything accomplished. It takes effort to move forward. It takes... Read more

November 25, 2014

Do you fear rejection? Are you afraid of someone saying no to you? Ask yourself, is that really so bad. There are very successful people in this world to get told no every day. They understand that there is no dishonor in being told that. In fact, most times in order to get one yes answer you must get considerably many times that number of no answers. Rejection is really a misleading word because when someone says no to you,... Read more

November 24, 2014

It was highly improbable and in fact virtually impossible that you would ever exist, and yet, here you are. You cannot do more than merely scratch the surface in imagining how immensely fortunate you are to be experiencing this day. So, with all that good fortune going for you, what are you going to do? How can you spend this moment, this day, this lifetime in such a way that will acknowledge and adequately make use of the wonderful, fortuitous... Read more

November 23, 2014

Maybe it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would. But it did happen. And you did experience it. And in that experience is value. Maybe you didn’t get what you wanted. Perhaps you were disappointed, or even deceived or betrayed. Even so, you learned something valuable. And in some way, it adds to the richness of your life. Don’t be too quick to judge what happens in your life. Because there is much, much more to the experience... Read more

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