November 22, 2014

You’d never expect to solve a problem by making it even more of a problem, yet sometimes doing just that can be surprisingly effective. The very problem with many problems is that they are not big enough to provide much in the way of motivation. Most people would respond quickly and forcefully if they were suddenly and directly threatened. Many of those same people would, when faced with a minor annoyance, simply complain about it rather than take steps to... Read more

November 21, 2014

One thing that makes positive focus so powerful is that it keeps you from being pulled down by all the little things. The details of your life can work for you or they can work against you. The moments of your life are where you actually live, and as such those moments are of critical importance. You can use them, you can lose them, or you can abuse them. Think of someone you know who is continually angry, someone who... Read more

November 20, 2014

The words you use have an enormous impact on yourself and those around you. Unfortunately, most people use very negative language both in their own internal thoughts and in the words they speak to others. A powerful technique for success, which you can use every day, is to consciously make your language more positive. Look for ways to state things in a positive manner, rather than as a negative. When people ask you how your day is going, do you... Read more

November 19, 2014

Fear is always powerful, and often it can even be very helpful. Fear can give you much-needed extra energy in new and unfamiliar situations. It sharpens your senses. It helps you to focus. It helps you avoid legitimately dangerous situations. Yet fear can also be tragically limiting. To successfully manage your fears, you must learn to accept them, to find their positive message, and to make productive use of them. Your fears give you plenty of things to fear, and... Read more

November 18, 2014

Life is not about taking. What you take has no value to you. Life is about giving and creating value. About making a difference. If you try to shortcut the process, it is you who will come up short in the end. When you take something you don’t deserve, you might get it but you won’t own it—it will own you. To create value in your own life, look for ways to make a difference in the world. The bigger... Read more

November 17, 2014

If your reality is not in agreement with your expectations, you have two choices. The easiest choice is to lower your expectations so they’re more in line with your reality. But that’s a compromise. After all, you created those expectations in the first place. There was a reason why. There was something in you that led you to expect the best of yourself. Does it really accomplish anything to turn your back on that? The other, more difficult choice is... Read more

November 16, 2014

On the other side of every problem, there is an opportunity. On the other side of discouragement, there is joy. Think of where you were going before the disappointment knocked you off track. Yes, you’ve had a temporary setback. So what? It’s over now, and the very best thing you can do is to quickly get back in the game, get back on track, get headed positively in the direction of your goals. Look at your situation from a future-oriented... Read more

November 15, 2014

When something wonderful comes into your life, do you accept it and enjoy it? Or do you worry that you might lose it, and take so many steps to protect yourself from the imagined loss that you end up not enjoying it at all. Good fortune can be just as uncomfortable as disappointment, often even more so. Because when you experience some particular good fortune, not only is it a change, it’s a change that provides you with more to... Read more

November 14, 2014

What is the highest vision you have for your life and your world? It’s time to stop denying that the vision is there, and time to bring it to the front of your awareness. Your dreams are yours for a reason. The things that interest you, that fascinate you, that inspire you and motivate you are yours for a reason. They can pull you steadily and powerfully toward the very best you are capable of being. Allow that to happen.... Read more

November 13, 2014

Every day, all over the world, crops are growing in the fields. Useful products are being manufactured in great quantity. People are traveling to visit loved ones and to explore new places. Actors and directors are making entertaining films. Teachers are inspiring young people to learn. Engineers and technicians are building the electronic links that enable more and more people to rapidly and reliably communicate with each other. Chefs are creating new dishes. Doctors and nurses are providing life-saving and... Read more

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