America First is Not a Christian Principle

America First is Not a Christian Principle January 20, 2017



Throughout the day today, I watched the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Repeatedly, I heard the same chant, “America First! America First! America First!” While the largely crowd was simply repeating the words that Trump spoke, I was surprised by the large number of government officials who chanted the exact same thing. Everyone seemed to want the day and the future to be about, “America First!” The message was relayed that the salvation of our people and our planet depended on “America First!” While this might be all well and good for some, the problem for those claiming to be Christians is that “America First!” is not a Christian principle.  Jesus’ words in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 make it very plain, “But seek ye first the realm of God and it’s righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Don’t allow patriotism to blind you. God is always first.



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