Jesus Doesn’t Read the Bible

Jesus Doesn’t Read the Bible February 20, 2017



We are instructed to follow Jesus. We are instructed to become more and more like Jesus. In the end, we will be made like Jesus. If Jesus is the ultimate aspiration, how much time do you think he spends reading the Bible? Do you think that Jesus has to read his own story? I don’t. I think Jesus is so far beyond the Bible that the Bible becomes insignificant and of little consequence. Jesus is God and God don’t need no book to tell God how to be God. I would say that Jesus is the Bible incarnate…but that’s not even true. Jesus is the sounds way beyond the words. If God could be contained or described by words, then God would not be God. Words are fading as the message of Jesus is heard.


So, what does this mean for us?


You can’t follow Jesus with your head stuck in the Bible. Reading an ancient book is not our chief aim…becoming like Jesus is. While a few verses might be a good start, we ultimately must grow beyond the Bible. So, I encourage you to put down your Bible and be like Jesus. Remember, Jesus doesn’t read the Bible.



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