Male Leadership and Intentional Female Leadership

Male Leadership and Intentional Female Leadership June 29, 2015

In the Spring edition of Mutuality, Charles M. Metcalf, a pastor in LaGrange GA and a PhD student at Eastern University, outlines what males in leadership can do to transform a church culture so that females share leadership. His article is called “Learning from My Mistakes: Being Intentional about Practicing Egalitarianism,” Mutuality (Spring 2015): 4-6.

If those in power don’t embrace the cruciform reality of Christ’s power instead of male power, then females will not be empowered to exercise the gifts God has given them. For that cruciformity to come into reality, then, males must be intentional about transformation. Those who are not intentional will be intentional in the opposite direction in many instances.

Here are Charles Metcalf’s suggestions:

1. Make a strategic preaching plan: the message of mutuality or equality needs to be part of the message. He suggests female leadership is to emerge once per quarter.

2. Repeat yourself.  One sermon series is not enough and this is SO right, folks. Repetition, I learned in sophomore college class Greek, is the mother of all learning.

3. Clearly communicate your core values on your website.  Is there an equality/mutuality line in yours?

4. Use a Gender-accurate version of the Bible. (Notice he did not say gender-neutral.) He recommends NIV 2011, NRSV, TNIV, NLT, CEB, and CEV. The use of the ESV is a message to women about women and a message to men about women.

5. Take advantage of newcomer’s classes.  Make it clear to those coming into your fellowship from the very beginning.

6. Highlight female leaders. Speak about female leaders as exemplars. Share the pulpit with women.

7. Share your own journey.

What is your story about this journey? What can you do to empower the gifts of women? 

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