December 15, 2006

I’ve suddenly been found on the radar for writing blurbs for books. I have gone from total obscurity to occasional presence, and I think it is because of this blog — now considered by some to be “media.” My favorite request was this one: |inline Read more

December 15, 2006

The psalmist’s journey is clear: he has been faithful to God; those around him who should know better have not been faithful; they have opposed him; the psalmist has complained bitterly to God about his situation; he has called on God to act according to the promise; God has not acted; the psalmist remains faithful; he complains again. Now the new note: |inline Read more

December 14, 2006

I’ve heard it, I’ve read it, and I’ve seen it happen: it is a characteristic of many in the emerging movement. But it’s got to be understood for what it is: I call it “inclusion reaction.” This inelegant expression tells a story. |inline Read more

December 14, 2006

I’m finally getting round to posting about our time Monday evening with Up/rooted, an emergent cohort and monthly gathering of emerging Christians in the Chicagoland area. Others have posted their summaries (Helen, John, Mike [coming]) of the conversation, but I wanted to add my own reflections. |inline Read more

December 14, 2006

I suspect that most of us became aware of Opus Dei (Latin for “work of God”) through the DaVinci Code book or movie. In both it was caricatured in order to ridicule and other. This is why a book like Scott Hahn’s, Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace, is important. I’ll take a brief (and incomplete) look at Opus Dei by posting twice about this book. |inline Read more

December 14, 2006

The psalmist tells us that he remember’s God’s name at night. Night prayer … a common idea in the Bible is set prayers at set times. |inline Read more

December 13, 2006

In chps 3 and 4 of Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, the author evaluates arguments for God’s existence and then offers arguments why “there almost certainly is no God.” RJS and I are summarizing and offering brief evaluation. Here goes: |inline Read more

December 13, 2006

Was my hair an earlier indicator of my theology? Steve McCoy suggests so! HT: Steve. Read more

December 13, 2006

I am struck by Psalm 119:53: “I am seized with rage because of the wicked who forsake Your teaching.” Why? |inline Read more

December 12, 2006

Last night as I sat at a table to sign a copy of The Real Mary for someone who asked, a very kind young woman from England, Helen, observed that she liked my fountain pen. Which of course made me think she was not only observant but also a woman of good taste. |inline Read more

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