February 27, 2019

I haven’t been a Methodist in many years. But this decision grieves me deeply, for the memory of the church I once knew, and for the sorrow of my friends and family who so desperately wanted their church to do the right thing. Read more

February 26, 2019

Some people think everything is spiritual, while others think the spiritual and the mundane must be kept strictly separated. Both are wrong. Here are four mundane skills that can be very helpful in spiritual applications. Read more

February 24, 2019

If any of these six reasons apply to you, you shouldn’t make an oath to a God. But if the next three sound familiar, maybe you should. Read more

February 21, 2019

A review of a new book of short essays by modern polytheists, some well-known and others not. They vary in length and emphasis, but they’re all thought-provoking. And at this point in the polytheist restoration, thought-provoking is what we need most. Read more

February 19, 2019

New York Times book editor Pamela Paul said we should “Let Children Get Bored Again.” While she makes some valid points, boredom was one of the worst parts of my childhood. I promised myself I’d never descend into that kind of monotony again once I was in charge of my own life. Read more

February 17, 2019

Humans have been asking Big Questions for at least as long as we’ve been human. The more you wrestle with them, the more you intuitively understand their magnitude and the impossibility of finding definitive answers, and the more accepting you become of the provisional answers you can find. Read more

February 14, 2019

Based on their own words and experiences, some Pagans should be full participants in observing and cataloging the changes in our religious and magical environment, figuring out what they mean, and trying out new ways to respond to them. Instead, they’re ignoring the message and trying to discredit the messenger. Read more

February 12, 2019

My second book “Paganism In Depth – A Polytheist Approach” is now available for pre-orders. It will be released on June 8. Here are some more details about what’s in the book, how it came to be, and an on-line class to go with it. Read more

February 10, 2019

We’re seven weeks past the Winter Solstice. I’ve picked up almost an hour of light a day where I am – Spring is on its way. And while the coming of Spring is generally a good thing, I bid farewell to dark mornings with a bit of sadness. Read more

February 7, 2019

Some polytheists find this phrase insufficiently reverent: “you don’t work with a God, you worship a God!” Others find it too deferential: “I do my own thing for my own reasons.” Regardless of how you feel about “working with” the Gods, it’s worthwhile to examine this phrase and its theological implications. Read more

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