January 4, 2018

Praying for others is a good thing, but doing it ethically requires that we do it respectfully, mindfully, and humbly. Read more

January 2, 2018

Here’s a look into 2018. For me, divination is less prediction and more like turning on your headlights when you’re driving at night: it shows you where you’re going. Don’t like what you see? Hit the brakes and take that left turn at Albuquerque. Read more

December 27, 2017

Thank you for all your support this year. Here are the Top 10 posts of 2017 on Under the Ancient Oaks. Read more

December 24, 2017

While I’ve come to accept that sometimes the Pagan community just doesn’t care about something as much as I do, there are times when I find myself screaming “this is important! Why are you not reading this?!” Read more

December 21, 2017

Happy Solstice! Today may be our holy day, but the bulk of the Western world is getting ready to celebrate Christmas on Monday. Before we get tied up with family and friends, I have some announcements and mini book reviews. Oh… and a crow in a live oak tree. Read more

December 19, 2017

Many Pagans have a difficult relationship with prayer due to poor examples in a previous religion. And that’s a shame, because prayer is one of the most basic and most helpful spiritual practices in virtually every religion. Read more

December 17, 2017

Under the Ancient Oaks, the video series. I talk with fellow Denton CUUPS member Linda Masten about ancestors and how we honor them. Read more

December 14, 2017

Here are the first set of questions and answers for Conversations Under the Oaks, a new monthly Pagan Q&A feature. Read more

December 12, 2017

As we celebrate the Solstice, let us consider the state of the world and how we make our way through it. What needs to be born at this year’s Winter Solstice? Read more

December 10, 2017

The Emperor of Disenchantment is naked, even as those of us who live in a magical universe keep talking about how thick his armor is. Read more

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