Holiday Weekend

Holiday Weekend November 3, 2008

I’ve never paid much attention to people who want to take off work for religious holidays. Not that I’ve opposed “reasonable accommodation” – I just didn’t see the need for it. After all, most of the services and celebrations are at night or on weekends (which does create a problem if you work nights and/or weekends…). But any more weekends like this one and I’m going to have to take a religious holiday to recover from the religious holiday!

Friday night was trick or treating. Things were dead till about 7:15, when we got hit with several large groups. But it only lasted about 30 minutes… Cathy thought the turnout might have been lower because the older kids were at high school football games.

Saturday was the CUUPS Samhain Circle. I was the primary coordinator, so I’m not an objective reviewer, but I thought it was very good. We had 43 in the circle, which is very good for us, including a nice mixture of first-timers and some old friends we hadn’t seen in a while.

Sunday morning was a break from the Pagan festivities to listen to Revs Diana and Bill talk about the spiritual side of elections. There’s a hopeful atmosphere around the election, and with good reason: no matter who wins tomorrow, things will be better.

Sunday night I went back to Denton to join the Caelleigh House Samhain celebration. After being “in charge” for so many CUUPS circles, it’s nice to sit back and let someone else drive for a change. And this one was good – including a guided meditation that brought me a direction I’ve been looking for… more on that in the future.

All in all, it was a great Halloween / Samhain weekend. Now for some rest…

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