UU Atheist Elected to City Council

UU Atheist Elected to City Council December 17, 2009

From the First Amendment Center via WitchVox, here’s a story of Cecil Bothwell, an Asheville, NC city council member who’s an atheist. Apparently, some conservative Christians are threatening to sue the city for seating him, since the North Carolina state constitution prohibits anyone from holding public office “who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

Never mind the fact that Article VI of the US Constitution prohibits any religious test for office holders, and that the application of that article to state and local governments was affirmed by the US Supreme Court in 1961.

Bothwell is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville.

It’s good to see some religious diversity in government. I haven’t been to Asheville in many years, but it’s become a Southern outpost for Pagans, artists, gay and lesbian people, and non-conformists of all types.

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