February 1, 2015

Although it is safer to be a heretic today than in the past, claiming that identity carries certain obligations: you can’t flaunt your non-conformity while simultaneously demanding conformity from others. Well, you can, but it makes you look like a hypocritical fool. Read more

January 27, 2015

Life is complicated. We can’t pretend it’s not, and we can’t expect a divine helicopter parent to take care of it for us. But we have resources for dealing with life’s complications, and we are far more resourceful than most of us assume. Read more

January 25, 2015

Pretending the world is simple when it’s not just makes you vulnerable to those who would exploit you for their own purposes. Read more

January 22, 2015

Nine Things I Think: a new Pagan blog, upcoming travel plans, Pagan conferences and retreats, and why I’m rooting for the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Read more

January 20, 2015

Many Pagans maintain solitary practices. Even if you work with a group, sometimes you can’t be with them for one reason or another. Here’s an Imbolc ritual for honoring and communing with the Goddess Brighid suitable for a solitary setting. Read more

January 18, 2015

When we honor our ancestors we realize we are the beneficiaries of their lives and their work. Because of them, we are here. Because of us, future generations will be here. Will they look back on us as mighty ancestors who left them a healthy world and a thriving culture? Or will they look back on us as we look back on ancestors who owned slaves and slaughtered the buffalo? How do you want to be remembered? Read more

January 15, 2015

Don’t try to tell me I need to abandon a path that’s proved meaningful and helpful just because some people believe some dumb things and some smart people don’t believe anything at all. Religion is much more than belief. Read more

January 13, 2015

A foundation of evidence and reason are important, but inner fundamentalists and inner atheists cannot be reasoned away. It is in our first-hand experience of the mysteries of the Gods and Nature that our lives are changed. Read more

January 11, 2015

What do Druids and Wiccans, Heathens and Hellenists, Thelemites and chaos magicians, shamans and seers, kitchen witches and tree huggers all have in common? Not a single thing. But there’s still value in the Big Tent of Paganism. Read more

January 8, 2015

As people committed to social justice, it’s our job to build a society where differences aren’t a liability. But until then, this is the world we live in, and these are the harsh realities we face. Read more

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