May 20, 2018

“Be careful what you ask for – you just might get it.” I’m overloaded right now. The Gods I serve are neither capricious nor cruel, but They are not divine helicopter parents – I need to be very careful what I pray for. Read more

May 15, 2018

A million Irish people left their homeland during the Great Famine. Some of them are my ancestors, and possibly yours. But the world of 2018 is very different from the world of 1848. Where could you go if you had to leave? Read more

May 15, 2018

When an fundamentalist preacher represents the United States at the dedication of a new diplomatic building in a foreign country, the First Amendment is violated. For Donald Trump, this was a political payoff that didn’t cost a dime out of his own pocket. Read more

May 13, 2018

Do you mindlessly eat what you’ve always been told to eat and mindlessly ridicule those who do otherwise? Or do you consider your place in Nature and make a conscious decision based on your needs and desires? Most importantly, do you acknowledge the sacrifices required to keep you alive? Read more

May 10, 2018

We have lots of questions this month. How to handle theological disagreements. How to tell if a Pagan group is healthy or not. Being a visible Pagan in a small community. Leadership transitions in Pagan organizations. And much more. Read more

May 8, 2018

I don’t like chaos. I don’t like risk. Taking risks can make things better, but it can also make them worse. But what I want doesn’t matter. Chaos is real, it can be delayed but it cannot be prevented, and in the right situations, it can be a good thing. Read more

May 6, 2018

In a recent podcast, Lonnie Scott said “are the water spirits that make their way to my home aspects of a major river spirit? Or are they their own separate entities?” And my immediate thought was “the Gods are like water.” Read more

May 3, 2018

I don’t want people to be fearful. Not because nothing’s coming that can harm us – that’s a lie that’s as dangerous as it is convenient. I don’t want people to be fearful because with mindfulness and practice and by working together, we can get through this just fine. Read more

May 1, 2018

Any time “common sense” is invoked, a flashing red light should go off in your head. Most times that means “stuff we assume is true but haven’t really thought much about.” And when you hear someone say “they’re confused” you’re probably hearing a clash of worldviews – unstated assumptions about the world and the way it works. Read more

April 29, 2018

If our collection of spirit workers, God-bothereds, and other mystics are in agreement that bad things will continue to happen at an increasing rate, we might want to rethink our priorities. Let’s spend less time arguing with our fellow Pagans and more time building the practices and institutions we need to successfully navigate this strange new world. Read more

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