A System of Christian Ethics by Adolph von Harless

A System of Christian Ethics by Adolph von Harless July 30, 2014

Gottlied Christoph Adolf von Harless (1806-1879) was one of the most influential Lutheran theologians in nineteenth century Germany. Though a disciple of Hegel’s philosophy in his early years, Harless’ developed thought arose from a consistent reading of the Lutheran Confessions. He was a professor of New Testamen at the university of Erlangen, where he promoted a rigorous Lutheran confessionalism in contradistinction to the liberalizing tendencies of the nineteenth century. Alone with his friend Wilhelm Lohe, Harless attempted to bring the state church back to its confessional roots, being influential in bringing a confessionally consistent Lutheran hymn-book to the state church. 

This book is one of Harless’ most influential works, wherein he argues for a consistently Lutheran theological ethic. For Harless, the centrality of justification by faith does not in any manner downplay the importance of ethical formation. Rather, it is the call of the Christian to be sanctified through the indwelling Christ.

Price: $18

Kindle: $9

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