Five Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (Feb. 3, 2015)

Five Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (Feb. 3, 2015) February 3, 2015

1. You can find everything on Twitter. Even divine direction:

2. Pope Francis: “Keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus” is the core of hope.

3. Again, from Twitter:

4. Randy Hain: God is asking something heroic of us.

5. St. Augustine offers some direction in the prayer of the Church today:

After his resurrection our Lord asked: Peter, do you love me? and Peter replied: I do love you. The question and the answer were repeated three times. And each time the Lord added: Feed my sheep. In other words, if you want to show that you love me, then feed my sheep. What will you give me if you love me, since you look for everything to come from me? Now you know what you are to do if you love me: Feed my sheep. Thus we have the same question and answer once, twice, three times. Do you love me? I do love you. Feed my sheep. Three times Peter had denied in fear; three times he confessed out of love. By his replies and his profession of love, Peter condemned and wiped out his former fear. And so the Lord, after entrusting his sheep to him for the third time, immediately added: When you were a young man, you would gird yourself and go wherever you wished. But when you are old, another will gird you and take you where you do not wish to go. This he spoke signifying by what death he was about to glorify God. Thus he foretold Peter’s own sufferings and crucifixion. By this the Lord suggested that feed my sheep meant suffer for my sheep.

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