Ten Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (April 28, 2015)

Ten Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (April 28, 2015) April 28, 2015


2. Today is the feast day of St. Gianna Molla, the patron saint of the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.

3. From Saint Peter Chrysologus in the Liturgy of the Hours today:

Put on the garment of holiness, gird yourself with the belt of chastity. Let Christ be your helmet, let the cross on your forehead be your unfailing protection. Your breastplate should be the knowledge of God that he himself has given you. Keep burning continually the sweet smelling incense of prayer. Take up the sword of the Spirit. Let your heart be an altar. Then, with full confidence in God, present your body for sacrifice. God desires not death, but faith; God thirsts not for blood, but for self-surrender; God is appeased not by slaughter, but by the offering of your free will.


5. How to help earthquake victims in Nepal.



8. In the Shepherd’s Hand Forever, Imitating Saints Paul, Barnabas, Gianna and Louis de Montfort



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