Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness: Martha, Mary and Me

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness: Martha, Mary and Me July 21, 2013

Here’s what I’m thinking: 

There’s way too much “Mary” in the mix at my house, and it’s time to start factoring in a little “Martha.”

I’ve been spending a lot of time writing and reading and thinking.

There’s some doing that needs to get done.

I know that Jesus likes me to spend time with Him in contemplation.  I’m pretty sure He also likes it, though, when I fulfill my obligations to others:  to my husband (with a warm dinner), to my neighbors (with a weed-free garden), to the wider community (with a house that’s ready to throw open the doors to the world).

So, I need to get busy.

This painting, In the House of Martha and Mary, is by contemporary American artist Eileen Kennedy.


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