Planning a Catholic Thanksgiving

Planning a Catholic Thanksgiving November 26, 2014

Hey, Catholics!  Does your Thanksgiving look any different from anyone else’s?

If the mention of Thanksgiving brings to mind images of  plates overflowing with turkey and stuffing, triptophan-induced afternoon naps, and football, maybe there’s something you could do to kick it up a notch–and to really do what the holiday suggests, and Be Thankful!

Our parish is one of several parishes which helps out on Thanksgiving morning at a local soup kitchen, serving turkey and all the trimmings to the homeless and poor. Maybe your family could join an effort like that–or invite someone to join your family at your holiday table!

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Fr. Roderick Vonhögen is a Catholic priest from Utrecht in the Netherlands who has a big presence in new media.  Father Roderick is a podcaster, new media broadcaster and television presenter who founded the Star Quest Production Network.  He is host of  Katholiek Nederland, which airs on public television.

Here, Father Roderick offers some advice for well-intentioned Thanksgiving revelers who want to find greater meaning in the holiday feast.  He suggests seven things you can do:

  1. Go to Mass.
  2. Go on-line and thank a couple of people for who they are or what they do.
  3. Count your blessings. Write a list of things you’re thankful for.  Or take a walk outside and turn it into a prayer.
  4. Find a Thanksgiving prayer to pray before you eat thanksgiving dinner.
  5. If you can, invite someone to share your Thanksgiving dinner.
  6. At the end of the meal, pray Mary’s Magnificat.
  7. At the end of the day, before you turn out the light, kneel beside your bed and say one more prayer of thanksgiving.

Here, Father Roderick–in his own words.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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