Vatican’s Msgr. Tighe on Proclaiming (or not) Catholicism in 2025

Vatican’s Msgr. Tighe on Proclaiming (or not) Catholicism in 2025 May 27, 2015


A must-watch ten minute fascinating address by Msgr Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, on how we will be “proclaiming the Word in 2025”:

I love the focus on how we, as Church, will “be present” in an age of ever-evolving technology.

Msgr. Tighe reminds us that, “We communicate to form relationships.” His emphasis on “sharing” our faith rather than “proclaiming” it–about drawing others closer to us in relationship and thereby helping lead them closer to Christ–is a timeless premise. We’re called to share our joy and above all to listen, converse and encourage in our use of social media tools.

As always, in ten minutes Msgr. Tighe offers a teaching which is both wildly relevant and practically instructional.

Worth a watch!

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