Five Must-See Movies of the Summer (Including “Stories We Tell”)

Five Must-See Movies of the Summer (Including “Stories We Tell”) July 9, 2013

Burning up this summer? Chill with Sarah Polley in this summer’s must-see documentary: Stories We Tell.

July is flying by, and I haven’t had time to review all of the films I’ve seen — the rewarding films or those that left me cold.

But to ensure that you don’t miss out on the high points of my moviegoing summer so far, here is a quick review of my five favorites.

Hop on over to Response, the magazine published by Seattle Pacific University, for a feature called “Much Ado About Mud, Monsters, and Marriage.” It’s a privilege and a joy to work as the magazine’s contributing editor, and once in a while I get to write about movies. Bonus!

This time, I got to summarize five recent releases for adventurous moviegoers who seek more than the cinematic equivalent of junk food.

If you agree with one of my choices, let me know. If I skipped your personal favorite, let me know that too. But please, leave comments there, on the Response page. (There’s a form at the bottom.) The editors would appreciate that.

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