Saturday Link Love: Witches, Prison, and Ancient Porn

Saturday Link Love: Witches, Prison, and Ancient Porn December 2, 2017

Saturday Link Love is a feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.

Boneghazi: How a Grave-Robbing Controversy Tore an Online Witch Community Apart, on Broadly—“Within days, the bones discourse had spread to Tumblr, where a concerned citizen penned a brief “PSA” post warning the Tumblrverse that user littlefuckinmonster (Ender Darling’s account) was stealing bones from New Orleans graveyards.”

Woman Imprisoned for Converting to Islam Tells Indian Supreme Court: “I Want Freedom:, on Feministing—“As the Hindu right has ascended in India, so have allegations of “love Jihad.” The panic over this non-existent, alleged conspiracy whereby Muslim men seduce and then “forcibly convert” Hindu women, has spread from right-wing propaganda to state investigations policing interfaith marriages between Hindu women and Muslim men.”

Could This Ancient Porn Change The Way We Think About Christianity And Homosexuality? on HuffPost—“Chalke explains that the Apostle Paul was writing during a time when it was perfectly acceptable for people on the lower rungs of society ― slaves, prostitutes, gladiators, refugees ― to be sexually exploited and abused by rich and powerful Roman citizens.”

Why the UN is investigating extreme poverty … in America, the world’s richest nation, on The Guardian—“David Grusky, director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality at Stanford, said the visit had the potential to hold a mirror up to the country at a moment when globalization combined with a host of domestic policies have generated a vast gulf between rich and poor.”

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