Donald Trump’s address to Congress: as close to perfect as you can hope for

Donald Trump’s address to Congress: as close to perfect as you can hope for March 1, 2017

Like many Americans, I didn’t know what to expect from Donald Trump’s first joint address to Congress, but he hit it out of the ballpark.  The speech was a close to perfect as the grassroots could have hoped for.  It was Presidential, disciplined, strong on substance, and reinforced all the promises he’s made previously: he wants to repeal Obamacare, secure the border, bring back jobs and grow the economy.  Though there are things that conservatives do not like… such as massive infrastructure spending.  But this was just a speech and the devil is in the details. 

Succinctly, he wants to put America, and Americans, first.

And the grassroots like what they heard. 

This speech threw down the gauntlet.  Though we know the Democrats will whine, cry, and oppose, we aren’t quite as sure about what the Republicans will do.  (Note to Republicans, now that we have a “do something President,” we aren’t going to stand for a “do nothing” Congress.”)

Also, I have to point out the most loving, compassionate moment since Ronald Reagan began bringing guests to the State of the Union speech. Only one month after her husband died in a raid in Yemen, Carryn Owens was one of President Trump’s honored guests.

“Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity,” he said to the widow of the Navy SEAL.

Widow of slain Navy SEAL receives standing ovation during felt the love of America around her tonight.

That moment is one I’ll never forget. God bless this great country that creates such heroes. Let’s never forget their sacrifice.

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