May 12, 2009

The guy has an up close and personal experience of the fact that MSM news exists to sell beer and shampoo, not to tell us the truth. Read more

May 12, 2009

One of the funnier falsehood current is the claim that I “refuse to define” what torture is and that I claim that “to ask that question is to sin.” Here is reality: I have, in fact, given multiple replies to the demand “Define torture” Among them have been such replies as: A) Check the Dictionary. B) Check the Army Field Manual or some reference book for police interrogators on proper treatment of prisoners. C) The Interrogator’s Golden Rule seems reasonable:... Read more

May 12, 2009

Laura Sheahan writes: Hi Mark, Greetings from Jerusalem. Not sure if you remember me, but I left Beliefnet a few years ago to work for Catholic Relief Services. In case you can use them in your blog or elsewhere, here are some photos I took today during a brief visit Benedict made to the Latin patriarchate co-cathedral in Jerusalem’s Old City. The pope spoke a few words-among them, he praised contemplatives in attendance. Lots of Palestinian seminarians were there, chanting... Read more

May 12, 2009

You can always depend on some Jesuit to be leading the cheering section. Read more

May 12, 2009

Bob Shrum gets my vote for Stupidest Argument of the Week: In the neo-Caths¹ view, if Obama disagrees with Catholic doctrine, he must be condemned and silenced ­ even if he¹s not a member of the Church. This assertion of an almost limitless role for the Church in public life comes perilously close to reviving a nineteenth century Pope¹s position that ³Americanism,² which values individualism and separation of church and state, is heresy. So let’s get this straight: Catholics, protesting... Read more

May 12, 2009

“I refused to let myself become a victim and refused to let myself become angry.” Wow. What a heroic martyr. Yeah, because it’s all about you, Rembert. Homosexuality and narcissism: like peas and carrots. Read more

May 12, 2009

“I refused to let myself become a victim and refused to let myself become angry.” Wow. What a heroic martyr. Yeah, because it’s all about you, Rembert. Homosexuality and narcissism: like peas and carrots. Read more

May 12, 2009

Joey Odendahl, our fearless director, writes us cast members: Yo peeps! I am in Savannah (again) with Kirk Gillon [our Assistant Director and Editor – MS]. We’re hard at work on the editing and should have a rough cut completed very soon. So far it’s coming along well. We’ve finished a rough cut of the third act. It’s starting to look really good! After we complete the rough cut, I will go back to Atlanta to start on the music... Read more

May 12, 2009

Joey Odendahl, our fearless director, writes us cast members: Yo peeps! I am in Savannah (again) with Kirk Gillon [our Assistant Director and Editor – MS]. We’re hard at work on the editing and should have a rough cut completed very soon. So far it’s coming along well. We’ve finished a rough cut of the third act. It’s starting to look really good! After we complete the rough cut, I will go back to Atlanta to start on the music... Read more

May 12, 2009

Ever since the Ungowa tribe got introduced to unfiltered Camel cigarettes by a crate of cargo accidently dropped on their island in WWII, they have been hooked–and their lung cancer rates have skyrocketed. Across the island are the Hoodoo tribe. They have nothing to do with the Ungowa tribe because everything the Ungowans do and say is regarded as ritually unclean. However, they did have a crate of cargo with filtered cigarettes dropped on them as well. They consider filtered... Read more

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