Detroit clergy packing heat

Detroit clergy packing heat October 2, 2009

A reader sends this along and sez:

What I thought was most interesting was the AP reporter’s framing of the story. At the beginning, we get:

“Adams is one of several Detroit clergymen who have taken to packing heat in the pulpit. They have committed their lives to a man who preached nonviolence and told followers to love their enemies. But they also say it’s up to them to protect their parishioners in church.”

Towards the end, again we get:

“Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of an armed clergy, because Christ preached against violence and taught people they should love their enemies.”

I tend to agree, but I’m not so sure it’s the reporter’s job to assume a pacifist position in a news story, especially when the bulk of the Christian tradition has been Augustinian. Even so, however, it’s never been the job of the clergy to defend the congregation, for the principle is “the Church cannot shed blood.” Perhaps it’s time to bring back a real version of the office of the verger as a sort of sergeant-at-arms.

Perhaps if we shifted troops from Afghanistan to Detroit, we could help tame that savage place and bring it security and freedom.

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