This video is one of the most weirdly subversive things

This video is one of the most weirdly subversive things February 23, 2010

…I have seen in ages. Like that *other* tale of suffering and woe, the book of Job, everything is altered by the preface. If you didn’t know that Job is allowed his suffering by God, you’d have a radically different view of the action of the story. Likewise, if you didn’t know that the whole thing is tongue-in-cheek you’d take this performance as an absolutely earnest display of archetypally banal and dreadful Jesus Music.

What I find most hilarious is that the whole thing is happening on EWTN, which is not usually your forum for subversive post-modern irony:

Also, like Job, this song is a submersion in and a meditation on suffering which concludes in laughter and mirth (if you are in on the joke. Otherwise, it’s just suffering).

Very strange experience. I’d like to meet this guy.

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