Please Keep Praying for Lorna

Please Keep Praying for Lorna October 28, 2010

Here’s the update from her sister, Sheila:

The 411, as delivered to me by Alison and her good friend Tamara this morning:

Lorna had a very uneventful night. She’s been having a lot of agitated nights, but last night was not one. She’s getting really great at communicating via text! She types things on her iPhone now that her eyes are working and she has her glasses. No more frustrated hand signing, she has the thumbs of a champion. They’re starting to try to wean her off the vent enough that she can breathe on her own for a few hours at a time with oxygen flowing over her trach so that her lungs can learn how to work again. They’ll do this for little increments for a while until her lungs are strong and can work on their own. Once she’s semi-weaned and her lungs and heart are more stable, she gets to move out of the ICU. She’s apparently a lot more alert than she has been! I am so very excited to see her tomorrow.

She’s had many visitors this week who have been keeping me apprised of the situation, and I thank you all greatly. Also, serious thanks to one of her friend’s parents who graciously used her skymiles to buy my plane ticket to Philly for tomorrow! I am seriously indebted to all who show kindness to me, my sister, and our family. For all the cookies and food, kind words, and love we are hugely thankful.

I know this isn’t as specific as it could be, but I’ll be back in Philly in 30 hours, and boy will that be an update! Stay tuned, folks. There will be an overflow of knowledge and information tomorrow.

Continue the prayers for her emotionally. She asked a friend what had happened and what was going to happen, and she said I’d talk to her about that tomorrow. I’m really grateful that I get to be the one to tell her everything, because I’d hate for her to know it without me being there. But the truth is this is going to be really hard for her to handle and accept, and I wish she could just know the extent of her injuries without anyone having to tell her. So pray that she’ll be okay and that she will continue to heal well.

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