Prayer Requests and Praise Report

Prayer Requests and Praise Report April 19, 2012

A reader writes:

Urgent need for prayer warriors to flood heaven with petitions for Hailey. Hailey is 13 and had surgery on Monday night. She has stage III or IV ovarian cancer. The doctors will tell Hailey tonight about her diagnosis. Please pray for Hailey and for all her family as they suffer with her.

Father, hear our prayer for Hailey that she be healed of this disease to the glory of your Name through our Lord Jesus Christ. Give her and all who love her the grace, peace, and strength to unite their sufferings to your crucified Son. Give her caregivers wisdom, skill, and compassion. Mother Mary, St. Luke, and St. Peregrine, pray for them.

Another reader (a fellow Seattleite) writes:

I’d like to ask that we pray for our archbishop. He has been asked to conduct the overhaul of the Leadership Conference of Catholic women (see Whispers in the Loggia). As if he didn’t already have enough trouble with the priests in his own city and Prop. 74!

Also, Fr. Daniel Syverstad of Blessed Sacrament parish is to see a specialist this week. I’m sure everyone is praying for him but maybe we could target the work of the specialist? (Fr. Daniel is literally bent over with a series of back and hip injuries).

Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship, the Manhattan Declaration and Watergate is on his way home to God. Pray for him, his family and that the media might not be too cruel to him.

Father, hear our prayers for each of these men through Jesus Christ. Grant wisdom and grace to Abp. Sartain, healing to Fr. Daniel, and the grace of a happy death to your servant Charles Colson.

A very fine and holy priest I know writes to ask for prayer for a very serious medical condition and for his family and friends who are grappling with the possibility that his prognosis is uncertain. Father, hear our prayer that whatever happens it will issue in glory to your Name and salvation and ultimate happiness for all involved in this struggle. Mother Mary, St. Luke and St. Peregine, pray for them. We ask all this through Christ our Lord.

And finally, a reader writes:

I just wanted to tell you and your readers who generously prayed for my friend’s baby with Trisomy 18, Nora Rose was born yesterday. She and her family and some friends had a lovely evening, and she continues to do well. I have little information regarding her prognosis, or if the doctors bothered to give one, but her family is so grateful for the prayers. Her mother was keeping a blog through her journey. It’s a beautiful witness to God’s grace.

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