Two Urgent Prayer Requests

Two Urgent Prayer Requests March 26, 2013

A reader writes:

My sister is in the ER miscarrying her first pregnancy as I write this. She is 42. Modern medicine has given her four weeks to look forward to this, with dread. She and her husband can use prayers for healing and trust in God’s providence. They want to have children in the future, but she is in her own Gethsemane, spiritually, as she feels like no prayers to this point have been answered.

Father, hear our prayer for the repose of this child’s soul, and for complete healing and consolation for this mother and her husband. We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for them.

Another reader writes:

I wrote you last April about my friend’s little girl diagnosed with Trisomy 18. She has been doing so well and is coming up on her first birthday on April 17th. Her family has received the terrible news that Nora’s heart may not be able to support her growing body. Please as your prayer warriors to pray for yet another miracle. This child has been a witness to the world of God’s power and the unique dignity each life holds. Updates can be found on the blog her mother started while she was pregnant with Nora after she discovered the “incompatible with life” diagnosis. Thank you so much.

Father, hear our prayer for a miracle of healing for Nora through your Son Jesus Christ. Give skill, compassion, grace, and knowledge to her caregivers and grace, peace, strength and faith in you to all who love her. Mother Mary and St. Luke, and Father Joseph Fulton, pray for them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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