Your Chance to Do a Work of Mercy

Your Chance to Do a Work of Mercy April 4, 2013

A reader writes:

Six-year old Zaylee, a kindergartner in our Catholic elementary school, has spina bifida. She’s having a carnival on April 20 to raise funds for a friend of her’s (from dance class!) who has shaken baby syndrome which has left her unable to walk by herself. Your generous readers can make donations through the website setup for this event:

From her website:

Zaylee’s wish for her birthday is to raise enough funds to help her friend Josie get the walker she needs to get up and moving. Insurance refuses to pay for this equipment.

My name is Zaylee Foley Zahabi I am turning 7 on March 27th. My favorite colors are pink and purple. I have a little brother named Mack who is 4 and he is the best brother ever!!  I have a condition called Spina Bifida because of this I use a wheelchair, walker and arm crutches.  I am doing this fundraiser for Josie because I believe anything is possible, and I want Josie to walk with me someday!!

Go for it, Zaylee!

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