Prayer request

Prayer request November 18, 2013

A reader writes:

I am fairly new into the Catholic faith. I am not Confirmed yet. I wanted to say that I really like your blog and ask for your prayers. I am 10 weeks pregnant with a complication called subchorionic hematoma. There is blood in between the sac and wall of my uterus. The father of the baby is pushing hard for an abortion. He says he will not be there for the baby if I choose to have it. The thought of raising the baby by myself terrifies me, but I can’t and will not have an abortion. I have found a great deal of support from fellow Catholics and I am grateful for that. Can I please ask for prayers for the health of my baby and for the pregnancy to go full term and for the father to be there and support the baby. God bless you and thank you for writing your blog and touching peoples lives.

Father, help this brave mother with all the social, financial, and spiritual resources she needs in order to mother this child.  Grant especially a healthy delivery and all the medical resources and care necessary to see this pregnancy through to a safe and healthy birth and a happy and healthy baby who will be raised in and with the grace of Jesus.  Move the heart of the child’s father to welcome his baby and be father to him (or her).  Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for mom, dad and baby.  We ask all this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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