Reader Thomas Snowden writes to thank God and Youse Guys

Reader Thomas Snowden writes to thank God and Youse Guys July 28, 2014

Sez he:

I wrote to you back in March asking for prayers for my baby daughter, Beatrix, who has been in the hospital for most of her life.  At the time, we were planning for her to transfer to Boston Children’s Hospital from Atlanta for additional surgeries.  Well, we finally were able to bring her home this past week, which was coincidentally, her birthday.  We couldn’t have done it without support from family and friends, but most importantly — we couldn’t have made it without prayers.  I appreciate everyone who read this prayer request four months ago and kept our family at heart.  Thank you for lifting my daughter up to the Lord for healing and patience.  Our year-long journey has taught us even more about the precious gifts of love and life.

Please continue to pray for other sick children and their families who gladly stand by their side.

We would love to share a snippet of our story with you at  – Warning, it’s 13 minutes long.

Thanks be to God for Beatrix’s life and the love of her good family.  And may he heal and bless you guys through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Mother Mary, pray for this family.

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