Last Week You Wonderful Folks Prayed for Baby Hugh

Last Week You Wonderful Folks Prayed for Baby Hugh September 12, 2014

Here’s a follow up:

Hello Mark, baby Hugh’s grandmother has just phoned. He is coming out of the incubator today, he has had a MRI scan which did not show any brain damage. The medical folk think it is a condition known as Benign Neo-natal Seizures. These have no known cause. The seizures are still occurring but are being controlled with medication and the hope / expectation is that Hugh may eventually grow out of them but may also require continuing medication for some time yet – maybe for the rest of his life. But the situation is considerably more hopeful than when I first wrote to you and both the baby’s parents and grand parents are extremely grateful for the prayers being offered on their behalf.

Thanks be to God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Father, continue to heal him till he is healed completely.  We ask the this through your Son Jesus Christ.

Thanks for your faithful prayers, youse guys!

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