Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports October 14, 2014

A reader invites us to pray a novena for Brittany, the woman with cancer who intends to kill herself on November 1.

Lord, hear our prayer that she choose life through your Son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, St. Luke, St. Peregrine, and St John Paul II, pray for her and all who love her.

A reader writes:

I just read this article in the New York Times about Nina Pham, the Vietnamese Catholic nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for the Dallas patient.  While anyone in her circumstances would be deserving of our prayers, I was deeply inspired by Nina’s courage, calm, and decency–especially, in light of all of the fear and panic out there.  Nina has ebola and is “hopeful and just resting,” while many Americans are terrified by a virus that we have virtually no risk of contracting.  To my mind, this is what authentic faith looks like.

At any rate, I just wanted to draw your attention to this story and ask you to considering posting a short prayer on your blog for this young woman.

Father, thank you for your servant Nina Pham.  Grant her complete healing in body, soul, and spirit through your Son Jesus Christ.  Help her caregivers and give them grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, creativity, insight, skill and the proper technology both to treat her and to find a cure and a vaccine.  Save the people in Africa and elsewhere threatened by this disease.  Bring an end to this scourge. Grant grace, peace, strength, consolation, faith, hope, and love to those who suffer the disease and to all who love them.  Grant eternal life to all who have died. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for them!  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

A reader writes:

Thank you all for your prayers.  My husband has accepted a job offer and will start at the end of this month.  Thanks be to God!

Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ!

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