Prayer Requests and a Work of Mercy

Prayer Requests and a Work of Mercy November 17, 2014

A reader writes:

Please pray for my friend’s dad. He was taken to the hospital a few weeks ago with pneumonia, while there the doctors discovered stomach cancer. He is probably going to die within the next few days. He is a lapsed Catholic.

Father, hear our prayer for this man’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit. Give his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, creativity, insight, skill and the proper technology to assist in the complete healing. Give him and all who love him grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love. Mother Mary, St. Luke, and St. Peregrine, pray for them. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another reader writes:

If you are so inclined, please pass to your readers the prayer intentions of the Rosener family. David, the dad, has serious liver disease and is awaiting a transplant while his wife is trying to maintain enough money to support their three young children. It’s a scary situation so we are praying urgently for a donor liver and healing for David, as well as financial security for the family. They do have a gofundme site.

Obviously any prayers are much appreciated. Thank you,

Father, hear our prayer for this man’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit. Give his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, creativity, insight, skill and the proper technology to assist in the complete healing. Give him and all who love him grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love. Help them to find a donor swiftly and supply their financial, emotional, and spiritual needs. Mother Mary, St. Joseph, and St. Luke, pray for them. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another reader writes:

Would you please ask your readers to pray for my brother John. After a nearly lifelong battle with seizures and the medications associated with treatment for them, he is dying in the care of hospice. He has had the Anointing and this will be a happy death, but I am asking that folks pray for him and especially my mother, after he passes. She has been his main caretaker for decades. Thank you

Father, hear our prayer for the grace of a happy death for this man. Give him and all who love him–especially his mother–grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love. Mother Mary, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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