It’s Day 2 of the CAEI Tin Cup Rattle

It’s Day 2 of the CAEI Tin Cup Rattle March 3, 2015

This is one of the moments where I ask for some small support for my efforts to provide you with the sort of Catholic content, newsiness, fun, and so forth that is this blog. We Sheas live in narrow financial straits. For those who have joined the blog since last quarter, I am a writer (and sole breadwinner) trying to support two large male students and a wife on a steady income of what I can earn from writing and speaking, plus what I can make from donations here. My wife is the chief cook and bottle washer of this here enterprise, as well as a human dynamo in a dozen other tasks.

This month, like all months, is tight (and we live *very* frugally). So, I’m here to say that I hope you’ll help. I deeply appreciate the generosity of the folks who responded so far. And so do these famous celebrities, who have pitched in to urge you to help:


So I’m askin’ ya, if you’ve gotten something good from this blog, please kick in some bucks on the PayPal button on the right rail. If you like what you get here, then please be as generous as you can and help out with the care and feeding of a unique news, opinion, and information source that you just can’t find anyplace else. Thanks!

Oh, and remember, you can buy my books and tapes! And if you’d don’t trust PayPal (though they are extremely reliable), feel free to email me and ask for my snailmail address. I’ll happily take a check instead.

Also, it may not have occurred to you how badly you need me to come and speak for your parish, conference or organization? Oh yes! Badly indeed do you need me!

And, if you are an editor, you need me to write for you. It’s critical. Your mag will just wither away and die without my prose. As for my poetry, I happen to have the distinction of having prompted the only letter of complaint ever sent to First Things about the poetry they publish. Fear me, or I will publish my poetry here! Nobody wants that. So contribute to the Tin Cup Rattle and nobody has to read my poetry.

Seriously, thanks!

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