Golly. Somebody lied and went “undercover” to a bunch of Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Golly. Somebody lied and went “undercover” to a bunch of Crisis Pregnancy Centers May 16, 2015

to “expose” them on behalf of the pro-aborts. Who could possibly have predicted that?

She says she was doing it for the Greater Good. I could swear I’ve heard that before.

Sure, but everybody knows she lied so she obviously can’t be trusted, right?

Yeah. How about that? Liars can’t be trusted. Or so it seems. But then, I’ve heard zillions of arguments from combox moral theologians on the sheer goodness of the Noble Lie. Nazis at the door and all that. Why, liars are usually heroes. Just ask them.

Boy it sure will never happen that somebody will use this tactic in the future to try to “expose” what happens in confessionals or anything. What a great idea lying for the Greater Good is. It sure is a good thing Catholics spent so much energy working out theological rationales for it. Those rationales will be super useful to civic heroes like Dania Flores.

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