Zealot for the Culture of Death Frets…

Zealot for the Culture of Death Frets… June 5, 2015

that TV is just not doing enough to promote baby-killing in comparison with all the cheerleading for gay “marriage”.

TV is in the business of making money. Americans feel (and that is the operative word) deeply uncomfortable with baby-killing as the solution to their troubles. 20% are dead against it. 20% are (like this person) zealots in love with it. 60% are in the mushy middle. They feel bad for women in crisis pregnancies and don’t want to tell them what to do, but also know that, in the words of Christopher Hitchens, “In order to terminate a pregnancy, you have to still a heartbeat, switch off a developing brain . . . break some bones and rupture some organs.” They don’t like to think about that. And they don’t like people (from either end of the 20 percenters) who try to make them think about it.

In contrast, American *do* feel that gay “marriage” is more or less like the civil rights movement in that it lets People in Love marry (the traditional resolution to comedies and feel good stories). Hence, comedies which feature gay people living happily ever after (as long as you don’t have to think *too* much about or watch the wedding night) are felt to be fun. They don’t like being preached at (so the characters are always supporting characters, not the main characters). But on the whole, they like feeling as though they are sticking up for the Little Guy, a beloved American conceit. Plus you get to have all the jokes about gay culture, say “fabulous” and all that sort of thing. On the whole, an emotionally rewarding experience for people seeking a feelgood story.

Stories which end with everybody celebrating while body parts are incinerated or a skull is stabbed with scissors or a newborn is left to gasp out its last breaths on an ice cold metal table? Not as easily amenable to boffo laffs. That’s why the one and only… shall we call it “stab”?… at making a Rom Com about abortion–Obvious Child–was a massive failure at the box office.

Notably, that film was promoted by zealous manufacturers of pro-abort opinion in almost exactly the same “Eat Your Spinach. Do Your Duty. You *have* to support this film because it is your moral obligation to the Tribe” way that terrible Christian films get promoted to their tribe. Such campaigns are the sure sign of a turkey. And as with those terrible films, it did terribly because it was not a piece of art looking at abortion from a human perspective but was–as the guy writing this piece is demanding–a piece of agitprop campaigning to condition the masses for the goodness and glory of child slaughter. Child slaughter is hard to perfume with laughs.

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