James: Applied Theology

James: Applied Theology December 17, 2015

A reader writes:

There have been two families of note that have come our way who were on the verge of homelessness.

One in my clinic and the other in our Cub Pack.

When folks who talk about providing support make some hogwash talk about “money isn’t really the solution,” they exhibit ignorance.

Both of these families have the same stories- chronically sick kids two parents working, and then one parent loses a job for some reason and then they fall behind on rent (which is under $1300/month).

Charity saved both families.

1. Money solves many problems.
2. Why can’t a family support themselves with one full time (and more than full time) worker? Why is it taking two?

Because we have decided that the working poor are lazy and should not be paid a living wage and because we have decided to spiritualize the gospel into the ether so as to avoid talking hard facts about money. It’s all in James, both in his warning that faith without works is dead and his dire warning that cheating workers of a just wage is, as the Church will later call it, a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance.

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