Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports December 29, 2015

A reader writes:

I read with sadness of your intent to give up writing Catholic and Enjoying It. I will sorely miss it as your blog has been an important part of the development of my conscience.

Can I ask you to post one last prayer request for a serious health problem that has so far defied diagnosis or treatment? You readers have always come through.

Many thanks. Merry Christmas. And best of luck.

Father, hear our prayer for this person’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit. Give his caregivers the grace to diagnose and effectively treat whatever is wrong. Give this person and all who love him grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for them.

Another reader writes:

I’ve got an update on the young mother I requested prayer for not long ago. As you may recall, her organs were shutting down and the doctors had just about given up hope. Not only is she doing better; she went home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. Her doctors are stunned. Looks like your readers’ prayers on her behalf were pretty effective.

Thanks be to God through Christ our Lord!

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