What the Trumpkin Prolifer Now Stands for

What the Trumpkin Prolifer Now Stands for July 27, 2016

Trusted Right Wing Noise Machine pundit Bill O’Reilly informs us that the slaves who built the White House were “well-fed and had decent lodgings“.

The essential bargain the “prolife” movement has made is this: We will overlook, deny, and support the most blatant racism since George Wallace in exchange for the lie that Trump cares about the unborn.  We will divert all our time and energy to attacking our enemies in stupid defenses of slavery (as O’Reilly just did) or in defending idiots like O’Reilly.  We will dance entirely to Trump’s tune while bullheadedly refuse to see that he gives us nothing in return.  Because we have no ideas beyond “Vote GOP or the baby gets it” and are completely unteachable about attempting any other way of approaching the problem. And when we are completely despised and discredited for this visible-from-space foolish Faustian Bargain, we will blame “the liberals” or “the hardness of men’s hearts” for our utterly predictable failure.

Or, you could just stop supporting this clown and begin advocating the Church’s whole teaching, even at the cost of losing political power. It profits a man nothing to gain the world and lose his own soul. But for Trump?

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