Most Unqualified Man in Ever to Occupy the White House

Most Unqualified Man in Ever to Occupy the White House January 20, 2017

…is now President.

As a Christian citizen, I will support him on the rare occasion he does and says what is right and I will fight him on those normative occasions when he is wrong and doing evil.  I will pray for him as Paul commanded Christians do for Nero–and for the same reasons.

Trump’s massive narcissism while drive him and his fanboi to whipsaw between “I won!  Deal with it!” and “Please love me!  Why won’t you love me?”

Trump will struggle for four years with the fact that the majority of the country will, at best, respond to him with bare minimum civic piety.  To his bottomless need for respect they will, at best, reply, “I am legally required to regard you as technically our President.”  But he will never get from most Americans anything like the cult of personality that his minority of devotees accord him.  And it will gall him.

For myself, I will try to distinguish between the man–a wretched sinner whom God loves and for whom Christ died–and the fictive thing that he presents to world: Trump the alpha baboon President who dominates, bullies, and Wins!  Trump the man needs my prayers and has them.  For the sake of my country and the world, I hope that puny, malformed little baby is reaching out to God from somewhere inside the bioenvelope of that mound of lascivious flesh and cold selfishness.

But for the sin-besotted persona, the outer Jabba the Hutt, the bullying ignoramus and thug?  I spare not a syllable of prayer.  That thing needs to join Christ on the cross with all deliberate speed lest it destroy him and all of us.

God defend the right.  And God turn the hearts of his people away from the foolish, foolish trust in this seducer and con man and back to discipleship to Christ Jesus.  Forgive us for running after this man, deliver us from his wicked intentions and grant us the grace to set our minds on heavenly things, not on earthly things, recalling that the least of these–those whom Trump and his fanboi so casually declare to be “losers”–are heavenly things.

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