Just to be clear where we are today…

Just to be clear where we are today… March 7, 2017

The President of the United States, with full access to all the intel of the mightiest intel-gathering network in the world, chose to believe (or at least promote) a moronic story from a quack right wing website that said Obama tapped his phones. Too stupid and incurious to even find out what that would entail (hint: the Prez can’t just order a wiretap on his own authority, a FISA judge has to authorize it), he instantly chose to make a completely idiotic and false accusation against his predecessor and the suckers who believe his every word immediately bought it. Why? Because this dunce and his followers only listen to sites like Breitbart and are therefore completely ignorant of reality.

His predecessor (and the American intel community) say he’s dead wrong.

Of course, Trump and the dunces who believe him say the usual stuff about “fake news” and call Obama and the American intel community liars and Trump is now putting the GOP-controlled Congress in a hilarious bind by insisting that they “investigate” his nutty, baseless claim.

In a sane world, all the Normals in the US and in Congress would simply say, “The President’s sole basis for this insane claim is a piece written by bomb-throwing crank Mark Levin in Breitbart. Let the President produce the evidence for his claim or shut his lying mouth.” But, of course, in the post-truth madhouse of the Party of Trump, things are true or false based, not on evidence or reality, but on the word of the Dear Leader. So there are already millions of complete suckers demanding Congress “investigate” this idiocy.

Meanwhile, here is reality for people who actually know how the government works: Trump either unintentionally announced to the world that there is enough evidence he is a Russian stooge that a FISA judge would grant a warrant for a wiretap, or he announced to the world that he is delusional enough for Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment.

What will Congress do? I doubt they will do anything. But even the Congressional GOP, cynical as they are, have to realize that this crazy imbecile is a menace. Particularly since, as this circus goes on, he is gutting the State Department in favor of super-cool military solutions where we “win wars again” (meaning the incompetent chickenhawk who “knows more than the generals” wants war)–and all while North Korea is acting increasingly crazy.

It is imperative that this lying kook be driven from office ASAP.

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