Using Charlie Gard as a Human Shield

Using Charlie Gard as a Human Shield July 19, 2017

With supreme cynicism, the anti-abortion-but-not-prolife Congress of Trump takes a step to grant Charlie residency for a sketchy experiment that holds extremely little promise of hope–by attaching it to a bill funding Trump’s idiotic border wall designed to maximize waste for the taxpayer and cruelty to refugees:

The amendment has been added to a controversial bill that includes money for US President Donald Trump’s border wall and enhanced immigration enforcement, which could take a significant amount of time to be voted into law, if it is at all.

In other news, a hard-working taxpayer and father of four who has committed no crime other than being brown is being deported to Mexico to the orgasmic cheers of Christians for Cruelty, aka, Trump Defenders.  His name is actually “Jesus” and still these Pharisees applaud without irony.  Convinced that petty rule-keeping is their real savior, they hide behind paperwork while families are viciously destroyed and admire their righteousness in punishing the least of these.  And they dare to call themselves “prolife”.

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