Please pray and help if you can!

Please pray and help if you can! April 11, 2018

A reader writes:

Hi Mark, this is a prayer request and a little bit of a call to arms.

My friend Jacob is in his mid-30’s. He and his wife, Sarah, have 7 kids from 13 down to 1. On Sun., he went to our little rural ER with what seemed to be severe dehydration. They sent him 4 hours away to Denver. He was in in complete liver and kidney failure.

In Denver, they tried to remove fluid built up from his abdomen and ended up nicking a vein or artery, causing internal bleeding. They did emergency surgery to pack and stop the bleeding. Without a functioning liver, he has no clotting factors. Today, they did a second surgery because the first surgery may have cut off blood to his bowels and they had to remove the packing. He was not expected to survive either surgery, but he did. He is surviving on prayers! He is aware and responding to his mother and wife who are there. However, the doctors are putting a lot of pressure on his wife to give up on him and switch to pallative care. He is, “costing too many resources,” meaning using too much blood and plasma. So, the surgeon made a mistake, caused him to bleed, so he needed blood and plasma, and not one, but two, surgeries, but they are now pressuring this mother to let her husband die.

He needs prayer for healing of his liver. It is in total failure and they do not know why. He doesn’t qualify for a transplant. Only a miracle is going to save it. They also need support for keeping him alive. They need the word to get out that the hospital is pressuring her to allow him to die.

This is their Go-Fund-Me, although our little town is doing great with help. I’m including the link for the updates on his condition.

Click here to support Help the Adamo Family organized by Leslie Marshall

Father, grant him complete healing in body, soul, and spirit through Christ our Lord.  Give his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, skill, creativity, insight, understanding, and the proper technology to assist in that healing and give all who love him grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love (and abundant financial supply) through Christ our Lord.  Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for them all.

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