Many thanks!

Many thanks! March 25, 2009

The shoot went very well over the past two days, covering what is, for my character, the pivotal emotional moment of his life, so it was important for me to not blow this and get each beat right. I think we pulled it off, thanks be to God and your prayers, so I’m happy.

We have two more days of principal photography left, with a couple more scenes that are much lighter in tone and which should be jolly fun to do. Your continued prayers are appreciated that we can keep the energy up till the end! Once I get home and am no longer working on this blasted Macbook, I will be able to post some production stills from the shoot using easy to comprehend Windows PC technology. 🙂

We don’t shoot till late afternoon, so I thought I’d catch up on a bit of blogging before lunch.

As far as news, the big thing for me was seeing my friend Kevin O’Brien, guiding genius behind the The Theatre of the Word Incorporated and acting whiz extraordinaire. He was here for the past two days to play nihlistic jerk Professor Eames. He was, as is his custom, great–by turns funny (he does an amazing Don Knotts impression) and moving. After we finished shooting (roughly 8 hours for a scene that will last perhaps five minutes on screen) we had the chance to go to dinner with Fr. Dan Firmin, the chancellor of the diocese of Savannah, whom Feddie of the Southern Appeal blog hooked me up with. We went over to Tybee Island on the coast, watched the big rollers come washing up the long level beach, and then went for yummy seafood at AJ’s Dockhouse. On the menu for us humans were shrimp and oysters. One the menu for the biting sand flies were us humans. But it was a lovely evening nonetheless. Kevin stayed near the airport last night so he could catch an early flight back to St. Louis, then blast off for Illinois and a live theatre performance this evening. What a trooper!

Speaking of Feddie, it looks like we will be able to mutually verify one another’s corporeality this weekend. I’m gonna go to Mass at his parish in Macon and give a short talk to their adult ed group. So that should be fun!

Then, at long last, it’s home on Monday! It will take me a day or two to get combobulated once there (and I have to get cracking on taxes like the rest of the American population, but blogging should seriously resume next week sometime).

Oh! And Mary, Mother of the Son (which you can, ahem, pre-order here) has, I am informed by Catholic Answers, officially been delivered to the printers. That means CA should have the first press run of 5000 or so copies in their hot little hands around mid-April. Which means, I should get my copies shortly thereafter. And as soon as I get ’em, I mail out your orders! So look for your copies end of April, beginning of May, our Lady’s month! Oh! And I’ll be on Catholic Answers Live to talk about the trilogy on May 4.

That’s about all the personal news for now.

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